- Altmar-Parish-Williamstown CSD
- Parents Bill of Rights
Parents Bill of Rights
The Common Core Implementation Reform Act requires school districts and BOCES to publish a "Parents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security".
1. A student’s personally identifiable information (PII) cannot be sold or released by the District/BOCES for any commercial or marketing purposes.2. Parents have the right to inspect and review the complete contents of their child's education record including any student data stored or maintained by the District. This right of inspection is consistent with the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). In addition to the right of inspection of the educational record, Education Law §2-d provides a specific right for parents to inspect or receive copies of any data in the student’s educational record. NYSED will develop policies and procedures pertaining to this right some time in the future.
3. State and federal laws protect the confidentiality of PII, and safeguards associated with industry standards and best practices, including, but not limited to, encryption, firewalls, and password protection, must be in place when data is stored or transferred.
4. A complete list of all student data elements collected by the State is available for public review at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/sirs/documentation/NYSEDstudentData.xlsx, or parents may obtain a copy of this list by writing to the Office of Information & Reporting Services, New York State Education Department, Room 863 EBA, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234.
5. Parents have the right to file complaints with the District about possible privacy breaches of student data by the District’s third-party contractors or their employees, officers, or assignees, or with NYSED. Complaints regarding student data breaches should be directed to:
Lorraine Burrows, School Business Administrator | Purchasing Agent | Data Protection Officer
APW Central School District
639 County Route 22
Parish, NY 13131
Office (315) 625-5254 | Fax (315) 625-7952
lburrows@apw.cnyric.orgComplaints to NYSED should be directed in writing to the Chief Privacy Officer, New York State Education Department, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany NY 12234, email to CPO@mail.nysed.gov. The complaint process is under development and will be established through regulations to be proposed by NYSED’s Chief Privacy Officer, who has not yet been appointed.