Facilities Request

bus drops off students at jshs

    All applications for facility use must be submitted at least two weeks prior to request date to the appropriate BUILDING PRINCIPAL.
    Profit making organizations and individuals must secure sponsorship by a tax-exempt or not-for-profit organization whose charter or focus includes serving the needs of the children, such as senior class, booster club, drama club, or other such organization and agree to the terms and conditions as stated in accordance with the use of buildings and grounds in the APW School District.  

    Further, if a profit organization is to receive proceeds from admission fees (documentation must accompany the application to this effect)

    1. Request for building use shall contain the signature of the individual who shall indicate, by virtue of their signing this agreement, that they (a) represent the organization indicated above and (b) personally guarantee payments and all other obligations of this agreement.

    2. No association or organization is entitled, as a matter of right, to use school facilities, but must apply in writing and in advance to the discretion Superintendent of Schools and of the Board of Education.

    3. If a "for profit organization" wishes to use school facilities, documentation must be provided, prior to usage, to show that proceeds from admission fees are given to a "not-for-profit organization."

    4. Organizations must provide an adult, 21 years of age or older, to preserve order, supervise their functions and also agree to be liable for all costs for injury or damages to persons or property due to lack of proper and adequate supervision. To this end, the organization will provide a Certificate of Liability for a minimum amount of $100,000 for non-physical activities and $1,000,000 for physical activities with the APW School District named as an additional insured. Supervision may incorporate custodians, cafeteria workers, etc., on location, if necessary. The Superintendent of Schools, or his designee, shall determine the number of personnel such as custodians, cafeteria workers, etc., which may be required for a particular function or functions.

    5. Outside organizations that have been approved to use school facilities, are required to be out of the building by 11:00 p.m.

    6. All buildings and grounds, unless otherwise specified shall be left in the same condition in which they were found. Any incurred damages, aside from normal wear and tear, shall be borne by the organization. Damages incurred, as a direct outgrowth of the function shall also be borne by the organization.

    7. The right to revoke an agreement at any time is reserved by the Superintendent of Schools and/or the Board of Education.

    8. The rental fees shall be in accordance with the rates established by the APW School District. During after school hours, or when custodians are normally not in the building, or when the Superintendent or his designee determines if additional custodians are necessary, the organization hereby agrees to pay for the use of school custodians (and any other district employees) at the rates established by the APW School District. The rates are as appears on the attached fee schedule. Fees for required outside personnel, such as policemen or firemen, shall be borne by the organization using the school facility.

    9. The organization agrees that payments shall be made within 30 days of the day of billing.


    641 County Route 22
    Parish, NY 13131
    p: 315-625-5295
    f: 315-625-7974