- Altmar-Parish-Williamstown CSD
- Capital Project
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Capital Project
Capital Project
On December 7, 2021, residents of Altmar-Parish-Williamstown Central School District approved a $37 million capital project. Thank you voters!
Project Scope
Elementary School
- Art room renovation
- OT/PT Classroom renovation
- Choral, music, and adjacent multi-purpose room renovation
- Library media center renovation
- New school-based health center
- New adaptive PE and Special Education Classrooms
- Gymnasium renovation (includes creating a gymnatorium and ADA accessible restrooms)
- Improvements to athletic fields
- Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing upgrades
- Pavement reconstruction, drainage improvements, new LED parking lot lights
Junior/Senior High School
- Auditorium expansion and renovation
- Music and choral renovation
- 2nd floor classrooms renovation with air conditioning (student need)
- Trades center renovation/add trades center pole barn
- Additional counseling spaces
- Kitchen renovation and upgrades
- IT renovation
- Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing upgrades
- Roofing replacements
- Pavement reconstruction, drainage improvements, new LED parking lot lights
Waste Water Treatment Plant
- Updates
Bus Garage
- New vehicle fueling station
- Roof replacements
- Window replacements
- Exterior masonry repair
- Pavement reconstruction and drainage improvements
- Overhead door replacement
- Flooring replacements
- Electric charging station for bussing
- New LED parking lot lights