- Altmar-Parish-Williamstown CSD
- APW Board of Education
APW Board of Education
The APW Central School District Board of Education is comprised of residents of the school district, elected at large from the community. The members are unsalaried and hold office for a three-year term unless elected or appointed to fill a partial term. The authority of a Board member to act is limited to those times when the Board is meeting. Individual members cannot act on behalf of the Board unless specifically authorized by the Board to do so. All actions of the Board of Education require an affirmative vote of at least four of its members, notwithstanding the number present at any one meeting. A simple majority of those present is not sufficient. The Board has complete and final control of local school matters subject only to the limits imposed by law, the regulations of the State Commissioner of Education and, of course, the will of local residents as expressed in district elections.
APW BOE 2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
APW BOE Board of Education Bylaws
Regular meetings of the Board of Education are generally held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room or JSHS Auditorium. These meetings are public and community residents are encouraged to attend. In addition to its regular business meetings, the Board has formed several committees which typically meet on the fourth Thursday of each month.
Committee meetings are typically an hour in length and are held in the JSHS Library & District Office conference rooms. The public is welcome.
Archived board meeting materials are available by contacting the District Office by email, or by phone at 315-625-5251.