Board Committees & Leadership Reports

  • The Board may, at its discretion, establish committees for the purpose of undertaking a specific task in connection with Board activity. These committees are adivisory only and cannot make legal decisions for the Board. Committee meetings are open to the public and we encourage your participation. Board Committee and Leadership Reports are available to the public.

    If you are interested in serving, or would like information on these committees, please contact the District Clerk by  email or by phone at 315-625-5251.

Committee Packets

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  • Board Committees

    • Athletic Committee:
      To improve and expand athletic opportunities for all students at APW while keeping academic success as the primary focus.
    • Excellence in Student Achievement Committee (ESA):
      To work with all stakeholders to increase academic opportunities and improve student performance.
    • Finance Committee:
      To review board and district goals for budgetary impact.  
    • Long-Range Planning:
      To provide a comprehensive district wide look at all facilities and instructional program needs; establish project priorities (short and long term); develop a long range plan for the preservation and use of our school facilities; assess facilities needs over a five year period; develop a cyclical repair/replacement schedule; review and prioritize District's 5-year Capital Improvement Plan.
    • Policy Committee:
      To review and update board policies to ensure compliance with state and federal guidelines and mandates.
    • Wellness Committee:
      To evaluate and update the district's wellness policy to ensure each school's compliance with the NYS Commissioner of Education's regulations.