- Altmar-Parish-Williamstown CSD
- Imagination Library
Imagination Library
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a free program that mails high-quality, age-appropriate books to children from birth until their fifth birthday, available to families at no cost. Imagination Library of Oswego County (ILOC) is administered by the Literacy Coalition of Oswego County in partnership with United Way of Greater Oswego County. The Altmar-Parish-Williamstown Central School District is proud to be one of the participating schools to offer this literacy initiative!
It sounds almost too simple to be true, but by reading regularly with your children during their preschool years, you are giving them the biggest boost toward a successful education they will ever get.
Learn more at www.oswegoimaginationlibrary.org
Who Is Eligible?
Infants and children under the age of five in Oswego County.
What Are My Responsibilities?
- Be a resident of Oswego County.
- Submit a registration form, completely filled out by an authorized adult. Enroll online here. Forms are available at United Way of Greater Oswego County, your school, and your local public library.
- Notify the ILOC program coordinator any time your address or contact information changes. Books are mailed to the address listed on the official registration form. If the child's address changes, you must contact the ILOC program coordinator at iloc@oswegounitedway.org or 315-593-1900, Opt. 5.
- Read with your child, even if it’s for only 15 minutes a day!
What to Expect?
- Your child’s first book will arrive within eight to twelve weeks after your registration form has been received.
- Each month a new, carefully selected book will be mailed in your child’s name directly to their home.
- They can look forward to new and exciting reading adventures from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library until they turn five years old as long as they remain a resident of Oswego County.
- Should the child move outside of Oswego County, they will be transferred to the local affiliate if available. If not, they will be removed from the program.
How Can I Help?
Do you know a preschool child in the APW Central School District or in Oswego County who is not receiving books from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library? Tell their parents or guardians to visit www.oswegoimaginationlibrary.org or give them a brochure/registration form and encourage them to fill it out and mail it to the address below. Telling them about this FREE program can make a huge difference in their future and the future of our community.
If you know of a business, organization or individual who would like to donate funds to support this program, donations may be given at www.oswegoimaginationlibrary.org/support or they can contact the ILOC program coordinator below.
(315) 593-1900, Opt. 5
Imagination Library of Oswego County
c/o United Way of Greater Oswego County
1 South First Street
Fulton, NY 13069Follow us on Facebook: @ImaginationLibraryOswegoCounty